In response to the popularity of our "not-a-bike-bag" in recent years, we are happy to introduce a few packing supply accessories. One of our biggest recommendations is to zip tie all of your bike parts, frame, and wheels to each other. Once you break your bike down and layer cardboard and/or foam around all of your parts, it is recommended that you zip tie everything together, the more the better!!
These precautionary measures make it so that there isn't any movement between the bicycle components and other items.
Going overboard with your zip tie application will prevent movement and reduce the incidence of damage to your paint job and bike parts.
The zip ties we offer are on the longer side in order to comfortably accommodate you wrapping them around wheels with tires, to a frame, to a handle bar or pedal, etc. We are currently looking to source reusable zip ties but in the meantime we offer 50, 100, or 200 piece bundles of standard black zip ties in two lengths- 11" and 16"
We were able to get a wholesale account which allows us to match pricing with most hardware stores for the same longer sized ties.