- STURDY & Double lined 1000d Cordura brand fabric
- compression straps
- D-ring for holding luggage tag
- adjustable straps
-Room for other parts and tools
Call or email with any questions, or if you are flying in less than 10 days.
This bag is designed to fit a bicycle in it. To put that bag on a plane and for the airline to not charge you the bike fee most companies have. If you put the bike in, in the right way, you should be able to check your bag with little to no questions asked. My bike polo team and i have flown 8 times with these bags and have never once been charge the bike or oversized fee. This bag will pay for itself in one round trip flight.
Here is a 58cm Bike polo bike and the correct way to put it in the bag.

1. Take apart the Bike
2. Open the bag and lay it flat. lay down some cardboard so you don't poke through the fabric with your axel.
Make sure and open the bag like the picture. It seems like you should lay it flat to one side, but the best way to conceal the fact that it is a bike is to put it in this way.

3. Lay wheels in, against the card board. Covering up the axels with foam is also a good idea!

4. Place frame on top the wheels. You can always add padding to the frame to insure that you don't get any scratches.
This may look a little weird in the bag, but i promise it will fit.
Tip: Put a piece of wood in-between your chain stays so it will hold its shape, even if the bag is banged around during the flight.

5. Next put in the handle bars and the fork. I like to out the fork with the caliper in the back triangle of the frame, so it will be safe.

6. Place cranks and pedals underneath the wheels. Also at this time you can put any extra parts in the bag. ie. Polo mallets, sleeping bag, tools.
tip: Zip tie all of your parts together. This ensures that none of the loose parts can move or jump around during the flight.

7. Zip up the bag. It will have an odd shape, looking like a huge, loose duffle bag.

8. Use the two 2" buckles to tighten down the top of the bag. This compresses everything and makes the bag look smaller.
Thats it! now make sure you are under 50 lbs and you should be good on almost any flight.